
Career Coaching in English
Finally happy in your job

You know that you could go further professionally but you don’t have the courage to change?
You have written dozens of applications and only received rejections? You would like to set up
your own company but are afraid that you might fail?

Many people like you really want to find a job where they can realize their full potential.
Yet they feel overwhelmed and unable to get started. Don‘t suffer on your own with this challenge anymore!
Save yourself from further frustration. In our complex professional world you need an expert by your side.

(Lisa Ries, International Volunteer Management FOUR PAWS)
„The sessions were an eye opener for me“

The sessions with Ms. ter Horst were geared towards making me really think about my strengths, my accomplishments, and what I have to offer a new employer. Not just what my responsibilities were in my previous positions, but what I achieved during my employment. The conversations with Ms. ter Horst and the questions she asked were often quite an eye opener for me, as she was able to help me identify and focus on all that I have achieved during my career, and how it will benefit a new employer. Without a doubt, the coaching sessions at econnects® helped me find a new position in the industry that I was interested in switching over to!“ 

econnects stands for:
finding your personal professional fulfillment

Many thousands of people successfully achieve a new professional level after completing an econnects®-success-program:
they secure a new, better suited position, with a guaranteed higher salary or they successfully start their own business.
Annemette ter Horst, CEO of econnects® GmbH

econnects advises people in all professional change processes

Not at your cost

The econnects® program can be funded by the job center and/or employment agency if you are eligible for an „AVGS-MAT“ voucher. Discuss this with your placement officer.

The direct route to your new job/role/position
All specialized and managerial personnel who want to change and improve, benefit from this program. As a result you become more aware of your strengths, learn how to communicate them, optimize how you present yourselve and as a result find a more relevant and better paid position in a short space of time.

The successful start in your new position
Those who find a job - sometimes after a long period of unemployment - often need support in order to adjust to their new position and to develop a long-term perspective. Our success strategies include building your competence and confidence, understanding company culture and developing a network.

For your successful self-employment
The econnects®-success-program for company founders and entrepreneurs brings every feasible business idea to fruition that results in long-term success achieved through a 10-step program. In individual coaching sessions valuable insider know-how is imparted. Besides this, we help with developing a business plan and certifying the economic viability.

The most important elements of our econnects success-programms
at a glance:

The most important elements of our econnects success-programms
at a glance:

Analyzing your potential
Job research strategies
Goal definition
Application campaign
Identifying your target group
Customer Relationship Management
Image consulting
Photo shooting
Marketing and sales strategy
Financial planning
Team integration
Strategic partnerships
Interview and negotiation training
Business plan development and certification for economic viability


Due to restructuring – your company has to make redundancies and you want to ensure that you meet your corporate social responsibilities? econnects® supports you to help your employees find new job prospects. Our individual outplacement consultancy has a success rate of over 90 per cent – even with a target group of 50 years plus.

Outplacement Consultation

Send us an e-Mail:

Call us:
Tel. 040 2100701-0

Meet us near you:
more than 25x in Northern Germany or virtually everywhere

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    © Copyright 2019 by econnects®

    © Copyright 2019 by econnects®

    econnects GmbH® | Premium Out- und Newplacement: Als Full-Service-Karriereberatung begleitet econnects® individuell und maßgeschneidert Jobsuchende und Existenzgründer, Mitarbeiter in der Probezeit und von Outplacement Betroffene in eine neue, besser passende Position. In Einzelcoachings und in Ihrer Nähe: an über 25 Standorten in Hamburg, Berlin und Schleswig-Holstein. Gehören auch Sie zu den Erfolgreichen, die nach Durchlaufen unseres Programms mit einem neuen Arbeitsvertrag und einer deutlichen Gehaltssteigerung durchstarten!