
„The coaching that I received at econnects® was extremely beneficial to me, as it was the first time in nearly 20 years that I was looking for a new position ...“

Lisa Ries


A lot has changed since I last updated my CV, and I quickly realized that just adding my most recent job title and responsibilities was not sufficient.

The sessions with Ms. ter Horst were geared towards making me really think about my strengths, my accomplishments, and what I have to offer a new employer. Not just what my responsibilities were in my previous positions, but what I achieved during my employment. The conversations with Ms. ter Horst and the questions she asked were often quite an eye opener for me, as she was able to help me identifyand focus on all that I have achieved during my career, and how it will benefit a new employer.

The most valuable part of the coaching sessions with Ms. ter Horst was the homework that she assigned, as it forced me to be introspective and to define what exactly I was looking for in a new job, as well as to identify what sets me apart from other potential candidates.

Without a doubt, the coaching sessions at econnects® helped me find a new position in the industry that I was interested in switching over to!“

© Copyright 2019 by econnects®

© Copyright 2019 by econnects®

econnects GmbH® | Premium Out- und Newplacement: Als Full-Service-Karriereberatung begleitet econnects® individuell und maßgeschneidert Jobsuchende und Existenzgründer, Mitarbeiter in der Probezeit und von Outplacement Betroffene in eine neue, besser passende Position. In Einzelcoachings und in Ihrer Nähe: an über 25 Standorten in Hamburg, Berlin und Schleswig-Holstein. Gehören auch Sie zu den Erfolgreichen, die nach Durchlaufen unseres Programms mit einem neuen Arbeitsvertrag und einer deutlichen Gehaltssteigerung durchstarten!